Thursday 22 March 2018

Wolf Lord in gravis armour scenic base

This year part of my new years hobby resolutions has been to enter a painting competition. I've decided to focus on touching this model up to enter. He's one of my favourite models I've painted but unfortunately doesn't serve much purpose in my army for games.

For the last few weeks I've been adding more detail to him and tiding up area's that need it. I put so much time into his sword only to ruin it and almost having to start from scratch on it. The other week I decided he needed some fancy base to help complete the look. So I ripped him off his regular base and set about using unused scenery bits to fashion him a base.

I took a busted pipe from the Promethium Relay Pipes set and some broken down walls and floor from the Manufactorum set. The base I used a is a 40mm base from my old Space Marine Centurions that have been repurposed several times and are a bit worse for ware now.

After somehow successfully glueing everything together, despite the paint and spray paint making it a little fiddling and hard to stick. I glued on some gravel to the base.

It turned out to be a mistake to add the gravel at this stage, as even after it dried, when I started to paint the walls and further details on the pipes, I just kept getting gravel everywhere! But I cracked on nonetheless.

At this point the Wolf Lord did some modelling for Instagram. Doesn't he look pretty.

After he was done modelling I decided the base needed some snow and two things I haven't tried before, some corrosin with Nihilakh Oxide and toxic spills using Nurgles Rot.

I'm very happy with how it's looking but there's still a lot more to do to it Since these pictures I've added an arm coming out of the toxic waste and more snow. Once it's done I'll post a finished well photographed picture of it in all it's glory!

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